There are several issues that might trigger reporting. Contact agencies and/or Watershed Alliance of Marin to help determine potential violations. Do not be shy about reporting violations. There are multiple law enforcement agencies who are tasked to deal with these issues. The following is critical information needed for useful reporting:
As a citizen advocate always stay safe. Do not engage with strangers that may escalate issues. Do not risk yours or other's safety for any reasons. For Emergencies call 911. For in-progress incidents, it is always best to call the local police or County Sheriff (415-473-7250). For illegal activities such as fishing, call the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife CDFW CALTIP https://wildlife.ca.gov/enforcement/caltip 1-888-334-2258. For dumping, garbage, oil products & polluted run off in creeks or next to creeks, call the Marin County Department of Public Works Stormwater Representative listed at MCSTOPPP Regular Business Hours Local Fire Dept. if outside of business hours immediately. The Dangers of Plastic Pollution to Marine Life - www.bottlestore.com/the-dangers-of-plastic-pollution-to-marine-life Some crimes and infractions require contacting multiple agencies. For instance illegal filling of wetlands might require contacting the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Marin County Dept. of Public Works and MCSTOPPP and possibly US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. Its complicated sometimes. Time is of the essence. If you are concerned it is better to contact all relevant agencies and let them determine their jurisdiction. You may also call us but we will need the above evidence. Please call us if you have any questions or need support: Call us at 415 234-9007 and/or email us at: [email protected]
Some Examples